Looking for a data visualization specialist
The Finance for Development Lab is a think-tank based in Paris, part of the policy institute CEPREMAP and hosted by the Paris School of Economics. Launched in June 2022, it aims at making finance for development more equitable, by working with think-tanks and policy makers in the Global South. Among current projects, it works on the frameworks of debt restructuring, the role of multilateral development banks, reform of climate finance, etc. The team is small and growing.
We are looking for a data visualization specialist/data scientist to help us showcase our work and make it accessible to a broader audience. The main projects would consist in translating static graphs in our papers and reports into interactive visualisations. You would work with economists fluent in RStudio and look to translate their models and graphs into the language of your choice. We are agnostic, though we would prefer open source solutions.
For this, your primary skill should be in the ability to visualise complex data, but a passion for developing countries challenges would help. We would welcome an engagement as an independent consultant or in a part-time manner, which could evolve in a full time position, especially if you have strong economics skills. A background in economics (through ENSAE for example) would help.
- Master’s ongoing or complete in statistics/data science with a concentration on data visualisation
- An existing portfolio of school or professional projects
- Presence in Paris will help
- Strong skills in one of visualisation tools (Javascript, etc.)
- Ability to speak French would help
You should apply by November 30th. Please provide your resume and a short cover email, as well as a sample of your work.
You can express your interest at join-us@findevlab.org